[Hospitality for VIPs] Transform Into a Lady of the Court with Kimono


When your VVIP guests visit Japan, you will want to enhance their experience by giving them the chance to dress up in a kimono.

“How do I make their kimono dressing-up experience more fun?”

That’s the kind of question I’ve been hearing a lot lately.

For those of you seeking an answer to this question, I’m going to introduce to you the joys of kimono, a garment once worn by Japanese royalty and the samurai.

Let’s give our VVIPs a deeper taste of Japanese culture.

If you wish to give your international customers a pleasant kimono experience, read on.


Why Non-Japanese People Love the Kimono

Why do non-Japanese people love the kimono so much?

One reason may be because of how often they see them. Japanese dramas are popular in China and many other Asian countries. Japanese warriors and ladies of the court are popular images, so of course when you think about Japan, you think of the kimono.

Recently the style of Japanese ladies of the court has earned popularity, especially in Asia. This is because people see it as special, since they do not normally have occasion to wear such a graceful style of clothing.

The second reason is that it is always fun to experience a something of a culture different to your own. Experiencing the clothing, cuisine, and lifestyle of another culture can deepen one’s understanding.

Clothing in particular directly relates to the climate and customs of the country in which it was created. It allows you to quite literally feel the something of the culture.

Dressing someone properly in a kimono requires special training and experience. It’s not something you can just do by yourself. This means that the barrier to entry is somewhat high.

VIP customers often want to be treated to deep authentic experiences out of the reach of the average person. Since the barrier to entry is high, the feelings of anticipation and excitement also run high.

Types of Kimono

There are different types of kimono for different times, places, and occasions. The four main types are:

– Formal – Mainly for guests of honor at ceremonies

– Semi-formal – For attendants at ceremonies

– Outdoor – For regular events

– Everyday – For everyday life

Let’s look at each one in more detail.

Formal Kimono

This includes the formal robe worn by brides, the black tomesode worn by the mothers of the bride and groom, the long-sleeved kimono worn at coming-of-age ceremonies, and mourning kimono worn at funerals.

This type of kimono aren’t usually offered for tourists, and because of their formality, the average person doesn’t often wear them.

The price to buy one for yourself can be prohibitively expensive, and their rules prohibit them from being worn just for fun.

Semi-formal Kimono

These are mainly worn at semi-formal events such as wedding banquets. This includes the houmongi and long-sleeved kimono.

The difference between these and formal kimono are the length of the sleeves.

Basically, the length of the sleeves is determined by the formality of the occasion.

This kimono is also not meant for tourists. Even though they are called semi-formal, it’s best not to wear them other than at special ceremonies. For informal use, the two I’m about to introduce next are best.

Street Kimono

These kimono are more appropriate for everyday use. Nowadays, they are made to a high level of quality, and with elegant patterns. These will fit the dress code of most restaurants.

There are many flashy designs, which are chosen according to the person’s personal taste. VVIPs or people accustomed to luxurious fashions will especially enjoy these finely patterned kimono.

Everyday Kimono

This category includes Yukata and silken kimono. Yukata can be showy, but recently there are also a lot of modern designs. It can be worn in many different situations and occasions. They are also comfortable and relatively easy to put on.

Another merit is that there aren’t any strict rules attached. However, a downside might be that they are too common. Customers who want to experience something out of the ordinary might prefer a more formal, finely patterned kimono.


Apart from the kimono itself, there are plenty of obi and hair accessories to choose from. It’s best to choose accessories according to your customer’s wishes. What’s most important is to allow them to pick their favorite color and design of accessories. Nowadays, it’s common to combine modern accessories with traditional Japanese styles.

There are also many different ways to tie the obi. Each method has its own personality, and can even be more eye-catching than the kimono itself.

Without attaching too much importance to rules, try to have a little fun. That’s the best way to leave your customers satisfied.

How To Treat VIPs (Transformation into a Lady of the Court, Pictures and Video)

Please refer to below article if you are interested in traditional Japanese dance and Kimono dressing

Article: traditional Japanese dance and Kimono dressing

A VIP kimono experience is a surefire way to entertain. Even overseas, the style and elegance of court ladies is well known, and there are many people who would love to dress up in a kimono of their choosing. It has become especially popular in China recently.

In the old days, people didn’t care for tucking in the skirt and let the skirt of the kimono trail behind them instead. However, both styles (tucked and untucked) limit your movement to a certain extent. So, this type of experience is more suited for photo shoots than walking around town.

With appropriate background music, a skilled camera person, and a fitting studio, you can create an experience to preserve their precious memories of the experience.

The most important part is the atmosphere. A first-class kimono and obi, and a setting with atmosphere. With the right atmosphere, the customer will feel like they have been immersed in the world of a historical play or drama.

Moreover, this is the type of experience the average person can never attain. Even most Japanese people will never experience kimono in this way. It will be a unique, personal, precious experience, make no mistake.


Provide your customer with a fun kimono experience. Provide them with memories that will last forever. Provide them with a specialized experience. That’s what I’ve presented to you here.

International VIP customers want special, highly original experiences. High-quality experiences that will meet their expectations.

Kimono have a reputation for being stuffy, with lots of rules attached, but since your priority is to have fun, being flexible and accommodating your customer’s wishes is the most important thing.

That way, you’ll provide more than just a fun time, you’ll provide your customer with a kimono experience they will remember for many years to come.

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